On The Edge Of Glory
My new piece is one in a series of paintings documenting the park system in Tennessee. By hiking various parks near my home, I've had an opportunity to view many beautiful scenes and varied terrains as well as the distinct seasons here in the beautiful South. My desire is to capture the very essence of the parks and it's ever changing light with the passing of those seasons. In this work I've taken the liberty of snapping a photo of my wife Kathy's son Landon hiking along the edge of a ravine in South Cumberland State Park. Although the composition and concept are always very important to me, here the depiction of light was paramount. In the painting "On The Edge Of Glory", without hindrance or restraint, I wanted to show an open window through which sunlight pours out and the human spirit of adventure is freed.
On The Edge Of Glory, By Eric Buechel, Oil on Canvas, 26" x 40", 2017
Buy This Painting On Saatchi Art
Eric Buechel Fine Art/ The Bee Hive Atelier
P.O. Box 277
Pleasant Hill Tennessee 38578
(931) 881-7806