I Just Delivered Another Six Paintings To My Representative In Nashville Today
Landscape painting is the one thing I do that is truly me in every sense of the word. It's were I started and it's what brings me back home. Ever since I could handle a crayon it was the landscape that pulled me into this world of art. It's me and the brush trying to compete with the glory of nature. It's a chance to express all that I've got inside of me that compels me to challenge natures glory. Yet I realize that in the end it's merely an impression of the greatness of nature in which I seek. It may be the reason I paint big broad, wide open landscapes. The kind that I just want to step into and discovery whats beyond the horizon.

The Aerial View, Oil on Canvas, 32" x 32" 2017
Now on display at the Local Color Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee - Link
Eric Buechel Fine Art/ The Bee Hive Atelier
P.O. Box 277
Pleasant Hill Tennessee 38578
(931) 881-7806
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