Pets At Play
Watercolor on Arches 300 lb. Paper, By Eric Buechel, 28" x 20", 2018. This is another painting of our animals at play. Sophie, our Rat...
Walking Toward The Light
The fact that God is light sets up a natural contrast with darkness. If light is a metaphor for righteousness and goodness, then darkness...
The Honey Bees' Immeasurable Importance To Mankind
This is my latest painting in the honeybee series. The inspiration for this painting came about when Kathy and I took The Tennessee...
Three New Works - Non Static Impressionism By Eric Buechel
MIXED MEDIA: WATERCOLOR WITH OIL PAINT GLAZING This body of work was first conceived in 2016. The series of twelve "non-static...
New Watercolor Painting By Eric Buechel
My latest watercolor painting I've titled "The Inspection of The Colony". Apiculture is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly...